Einzelhandelsverpackungen für Obst und Gemüse
Proud to participate
For over 100 years, NNZ has been at the forefront of innovative packaging solutions, with our roots in natural materials like jute. This year, we celebrated our heritage with an impressive NNZ float, decorated with sustainable jute and shirts for the Hatch community.
Our presence at the festival reflects our long-standing relationships with local farmers, who have packed their chilis in jute for many years — a tradition we are proud to support.
A big thank you to everyone who made this event a success. Your hard work and dedication created another unforgettable experience. Special thanks to Michelle Rafferty for capturing all those memorable moments!
We look forward to being part of this wonderful event again next year.
Growth has been based on NNZ strengths including it’s people, relationships and the value offered to clients, following our strategy of customer intimacy and service.
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