Einzelhandelsverpackungen für Obst und Gemüse
We are proud to announce that NNZ has earned the silver medal from EcoVadis, a globally recognized organization that assesses companies on their sustainability practices. This award places NNZ in the top 15% of companies evaluated by EcoVadis and highlights our commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility.
EcoVadis assesses companies across key areas such as environmental impact, labor practices, ethics and sustainable procurement. Achieving the Silver Medal is a testament to our efforts to integrate sustainable practices throughout our operations.
While we celebrate this achievement, we remain focused on further improving our sustainability performance, with the ambition to reach the Gold Medal in the coming year. We are committed to continuing our investment in innovative solutions and working together with our partners to contribute to a more sustainable future.
We are grateful for this recognition and excited to continue making progress on our sustainability journey.
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