Einzelhandelsverpackungen für Obst und Gemüse
Customised Packaging Solutions
We are proud to announce our recent collaboration with Tazweed – a Mezzan Holding company from Jordan.
In the briefing, Tazweed highlighted that, wherever possible, the packaging should preserve the freshness and extend the shelf life of the products. Sustainability is essential, so there’s an emphasis on using minimal and recyclable materials. Where feasible, the packaging process is to be automated in line with the packaging machines in use, and the visibility and recognizability of the products should be optimized.
In close partnership, we’ve developed the perfect packaging line for the Bustan brand.
If you would like more information about fresh produce packaging, please vistit out website.
Innovation at NNZ means developing a sustainable packaging portfolio for you, using our fact based #Rethink method guided by a Reinvent, Redesign, Research and Recycle approach.
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